
Scissors, check! Masking Tape, check! Make Canvas, check! Sharpies, check! Post-its sticky notes? Check…..wait… Is a dozen of those enough? Maybe not. *Puts in another three stacks of Post-its sticky notes* This is a ritual for me as part of the Weekend Monkeys before heading off to another mind adventure in different states. 309519_10150352625283839_641437172_n

Working for Tandemic for half a year (including my two months of internship) has given me a remarkable working experience that I have never been through before. In this working period I travelled to six other states including the Borneo island, met people with vast difference in background and experiences and also gained guidance from experts in forms of applying creative thinking into reality.

There were times when we literally pulled our hair to get the project going, drowned ourselves in coffee and sugar to stay awake, packed unpacked and repacked our luggages so many times a week to travel from one place to another but ultimately all the sweat, tears and Actifast Panadols were worth it as we announced the winner of Makeweekend 2012.

Tandemic was like an extended family for me. Everyday is full of laughter in Tandemic whether it be dirty jokes, lame jokes, overly-attached bros, or the all time favourite hijacking social medias on unattended devices.

Yes, you may be left with side effects such as glaring at people suspiciously as they get closer to your device. Yes, you may be re-educated about… ahem ahem… many things in life and Yes, you may re-question your sanity… But at the end of the day, it is these things that makes you miss Tandemic.

Cathelynn is a Communications graduate from Taylor’s University. She posseses remarkable artistic talent and enjoys musicals (Disney movies and Les Miserables top her list) as well as scrolling through 9Gag. She also loves cats, obviously (who doesn’t love cats?).

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